A Very Nice Surprise Indeed…

A few weeks back, I came into the workshop expecting a normal day. But by 10am, it was already something special. An email landed in my inbox from Thomas at No. 1 Guitar Center in Hamburg with the subject “Nik Huber Bass/Darryl Jones” and a link to a YouTube video. It was a fan video taken of The Rolling Stones on the opening night of their Hackney Diamonds tour, and sure enough, their bass player Darryl Jones was playing our Rietbergen Bass. Needless to say, it caused a fair bit of excitement in the workshop!
We knew Darryl had one of our basses, but we had no idea if he was using it or that it was on tour with him, so it was genuinely unexpected. It’s hard to think of a better surprise to start your day in a guitar company than seeing one of your instruments appear onstage with arguably the biggest rock band of all time.
Thomas and No.1 Guitar Center actually deserve credit for more than just finding the video and sending it to me. I met Darryl at the store’s Crossroads Guitar Festival last year, where we’d both been invited to take part in interviews and discussions. I actually hadn’t brought a Rietbergen Bass with me (a bit stupid in retrospect!) but I showed Darryl a picture of one. He said some nice things about the design, which was lovely, and I thought that would be it to be honest. But the next day Darryl came up to me and said “Can I see the pictures of that bass again…?”
We got to talking and agreed I’d send him one to try out. It was finished in perfect time for the NAMM Show, so I handed it over there, and was just curious to see what thoughts Darryl would have after spending some time with it.
By the time the Hackney Diamonds tour rolled around I hadn’t heard from him, which I figured was normal considering how busy he is. While undertaking a Rolling Stones tour wouldn’t be the best time to contact someone, so I’d decided just to wait until later in the year to get back in touch. And then that email appeared in my inbox, and there was Darryl onstage with the bass, making it sound as amazing as you’d think.

We got back in touch then – I’m not sure how Darryl found the time to send me some thoughts, but he did, and his praise of the bass was really amazing to hear. It’s in the rotation for a couple of different songs every night, and apparently the crew are loving the tone and the look. Most importantly, Darryl himself is enjoying it and has found it a great fit for certain parts of the set, which is so good to hear.
It was really an honour just to meet Darryl and to get a bass into his hands, let alone to see it on stage for this tour. He’s worked with so many of the absolute best musicians in the world, and is so widely respected as a player, that it really does feel like a privilege just to get his thoughts on our bass.
So, a big thank-you to Darryl, to Thomas, to the whole team here for their hard work on the basses we build, and to all of you for supporting what we do.
Here’s to more nice surprises, though I think this one will be tough to beat!
– Nik